I was able to accomplish some of my crafty projects that I mentioned before, I know I can't believe I did it either. Every project obviously starts out with an idea in my head, then I look up how other people do it online, then
a billion trips to hobby lobby and I can finally start! Wait...Leo needs to eat, Lily needs a bottle, Leo is climbing onto the counter again what!? Finally get him down to take a nap and what is Lily doing...she is wide awake! well then it is time to cook dinner and switch out the laundry Leo wakes up we play we get grumpy Mike gets home and I have NO IDEA where the time went. So the fact that I was able to get these few projects done blows my mind. I am getting better at managing my time though but my list of craft projects keeps growing but I will feel so good when I have them done!
Project # 1: old wooden stand into ironing board
My Granddad put this together from scrap
lumber years ago for my TV in my apartment...I am glad I kept it! |
Found fabric and 2 layers of quilt batting to cover it. |
Leo helped me staple the pieces...or so he thought. |
Done! I still think I am going to paint
the legs blue for a finished look. |
Project #2: Lily's Hair bow organizer
I don't have any before pictures but it started out as an unfinished wooden frame
that I screwed hooks into on the bottom and painted
green attached a crocheted flower then lastly stapling ribbon to the back. |
I should have bought the bigger frame! LOL |
She barely has any hair yet.
Project #3: Carseat Canopy
This was my first sewing project.
Things I learned:
- I don't know how to sew a straight line yet.
- When sewing things with two layers sew inside out!
- Adhesive velcro doesn't work.
Still turned out pretty good! |
Now don't think I am neglecting Leo with my projects..right now I am working on a tool workbench and a lego table for him for Christmas!
Other projects that are on my list:
Lily's taggie blanket
Baby's memory shadow box
and diy Christmas decor
Wish me Luck!