Saturday, March 19, 2011

Lillian Irene

Leo and I before the ultrasound.
Mike was in surgery so he missed the family photo but was there for the ultrasound! 

Waiting in the lobby, so nervous!

We are having a girl!! When we went into the ultrasound Mike and I told her we wanted to guess first by looking at the images well when the screen popped up I instantly knew it looked different from Leo's but didn't want to jinx it by screaming out "girl" so I just softly said "it looks different from Leo's..." and I was right! The tech confirmed she was a little girl! Lily was being stubborn though, she kept crossing her legs. She just didn't want all of us looking at her "business" I'm sure. We have a shy one!

She was waving to us!

What a perfect day! of course I would have been happy with whatever child God blessed us with but having a boy and then a girl is just so perfect to me! Mike and I are both very happy and can't wait for her to join the family! I am so excited about Leo having a little sister. We already went dress shopping!

He has to be like his Dad and check the prices first.
I hope Mike enjoys pink. 

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patty's Day!

So glad for the warm weather today! Leo was able to wear his plaid green shorts for the holiday. St. Patrick's Day is also Leo's "last first holiday" :( This year has flown by! We enjoyed the weather by going to the park until Leo decided that it was his nap time and let the entire place know by screaming his head off. Fun Times.

He is actually taking more and more steps everyday and when he does it he just laughs at himself with his arms in the air. Mike and I will sit on either side of the living room and have him walk back and forth with his Lion and he gets so excited it's almost like he is running! He is turning into such a big boy!

Taking some steps!

His ear infection is all cleared up (I assume) because he is sleeping much better and the medication is all used up, which he finally got used to around day 7 out 10.

A new thing that Leo has started doing is that every night after his bath when I comb his hair I hand the comb to him after I am done and now he has started "combing" his own hair. I really need to start videoing these things! We have also switched completely to whole milk and the adjustment is going great! No allergies thank goodness and he gulps the stuff down so fast. Now we just have to start working on weening him from the bottle...

Tomorrow is my FAVORITE day in pregnancy! We will find out if baby #2 is a Boy or Girl!! We find out at 10am and I know I am not going to be able to sleep a wink! I didn't the night before we found Leo was a boy  either. So excited!!

There aren't really any stories with these following pictures I just thought I would post them!

June taking over Leo's toys

He Loves this thing!
Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Happy Sunday!

I LOVE Sunday's. 

Sunday is the one day of the week where Mike usually doesn't have to be at school and we get to spend time as a family. It is actually very chilly this particular Sunday so we will be spending most of it inside but Leo hasn't seemed to mind yet since he is sound asleep right now. His cough is getting much better Thank Goodness! and except for a few tosses and turns and a bottle he slept incredible last night compared to this past week.

Yesterday was "Fake Patty's Day" here in the little Apple and if you are not sure what that is well let me tell you...It is where most of the town gets up at the crack of dawn and goes to aggieville dressed in the most ridiculous green outfit and proceeds to get drunk out of their minds for the next 12-15 hours. Leo and I did not partake neither did Mike he had to be at school all day I think he was a little heart broken BUT not me! Now don't get me wrong before I had the responsibility of Leo I was down there with everyone else but now I am glad that part of my life is over because seeing it from a sober set of eyes makes me glad I am not hungover waiting in the McDonalds drive thru today like the rest of Manhattan. Instead I get to enjoy the day with my little family without any headaches.

I also got the best haircut of my life this morning...just a trim but it looks and feels so much better!

Leo is FINALLY over 20 lbs so he can legally be front facing and he is IN LOVE. Here is a picture of the oh so happy baby.
Mr. Squinty 

Friday, March 11, 2011


Here I Come!
Leo has been taking more steps everyday! I can't believe how grown up he is getting. He gets very excited after about 2-3 steps laughing at himself that he loses his balance but he is very good at catching himself falling and then he just stands there! So cute.

We have been having car troubles with our beloved Nissan. This car is so ready to die! It has served it's purpose and after a few more months I think it will be time for it to go to car heaven. The last few days I have been taking Mike back and forth to school (not as cute as it sounds because this rotation is very time consuming Leo does not like to leave the house before 7am) and this afternoon I spent a few hours in
Wal-mart trying to figure out what was wrong with the Nissan's battery. Well thank goodness they figured it out and re-charged the thing and Mike was able to drive home himself this evening! I hope it lasts us until the summer when we can get a new used car!

With Lenten season here I have decided that what I am going to be doing is everyday I am going to donate something to dav,goodwill etc... It will help us get rid of our "junk" for the move but it will also be a sacrifice because I do love my things. We will see how this turns out. btw Leo is already sick of Mac n Cheese so I will have to figure out another Friday dinner for next week.

oh so tired after being at Walmart

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Bath Time Paparazzi

Last night I was giving Leo his bath and like I always do I wanted to snap a few photos of him enjoying the water. Well before I knew it I took 40 photos!! LOL he was just so cute I couldn't help myself.

Smiles! He knows the camera
Look at those eyes

I can't expect him to look at the camera everytime
Splashing around
All wrinkly and ready to dry off

March Madness

This past week the Walsh family has been sick sick and sick! It's only the 2nd time Leo has been sick and the first time that he has ever run a fever, he was still in good spirits though! He is the only baby I know that is still in a good mood when he is not feeling well. Mike also started a new rotation this week that is very time consuming so it was alot of mommy and Leo time...precious but rough! We made a trip to the store one day to get the "feeling better" necessities. That included 7-up, Pedialyte, rice cereal, banana's, cheerios and chicken noodle soup. We lived off those item this past week and Leo was so ready for some real food today!

sick but happy! 
Paranoid Mama that I am I still made a doctor's appointment for my baby and I am glad I did! I went in for some relief on his horrendous cough and left with a prescription for an ear infection! poor baby He has never had one before and he does not care for the medication either. I hope that the medication has kicked in so he sleeps better tonight the last few nights have been lllloooonnnngggg!!

Leo telling Mommy that it was time to take a nap
we will see what the next few days bring!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

First Steps!

Leo took his first steps the other day! (March 2nd) He was so cute wobbling over to me! He took about 4 before he lost his balance. He took his first set of 3 in the morning but then right before bed he wanted to show his newfound talent to his dad and then took another 4 for us! He hasn't done it since but He has been walking like crazy with the help of Mr. Lion. enjoy!