Friday, June 24, 2011

Father Knows Best

We celebrated Father's Day by having a BBQ at our house (a little hotter then expected) Leo loved helping his dad cook! Mike is such an amazing Dad, I love how Leo lights up whenever Mike comes into the room. They dance and play and Leo always has to share in whatever Mike is eating. It is such a wonderful thing to watch the man you love be such an amazing father, its absolutely precious to watch!

Leo with Grandpa

Even though it was Father's Day He wanted to take a picture with his Mama!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Life's Littlest Moments

The simplest things have been melting my heart lately, most likely because I am 8 months pregnant or the heat is getting to me who knows! The other day Leo and I were downstairs playing with his toys and he just came up to me with his mouth wide open going "muahhh" over and over this means he wants a kiss usually you have to ask Leo if he will give you kisses but that afternoon he decided he wanted them all on his own! Made my day

Also if Leo has been away from me for a couple hours rarely happens but when I go to pick him up he doesn't cry he just runs up to me and I pick him up and he rests his head on my shoulder for several minutes. It literally almost makes me cry every time. He must miss me!

Leo loves his strollers! He now knows how to take it out of the closet and he shows me when He is ready for a walk by doing this:
cracks me up!

We went to the zoo for the first time this summer and Leo loved it! The weather of course was 100 degrees so the animals weren't really active but Leo got a peak at the bears and gorilla's. Next time hopefully the Lions will be out! Last summer we went the zoo several times and he never even left his carseat so this year it is so cute to see him get so excited about the animals. In the Tiger exhibit He was running up the glass thinking he could grab the Tiger like he grabs our cats at home, too funny!

Leo needed a snack break

The Bears!

chit chatting with his friend Flash

Leo thought he would help Brenden drink his water, such a big help

Can you tell how unsure he is about this gorilla!?

The Geese were not very friendly that day so we did not stick around them long
Leo has also been enjoying his personal backyard pool with such hot weather. I have very few picture's to post of it though because he insists on being naked, so it is very hard to get a discreet picture! lol but here are a few of the water boy!

drinking from the hose

Too much skin??

The dogs couldn't miss out!
One last thing to mention: Lily's room update! Her room is coming along very nicely, we put together her crib and got the crib set all made in it and her closet and dresser is even ready!! Now all I have to do is decorate and get the finishing touches all set up...changing table, wall art, lamps and photo frames. Sounds easy but I am sure it will take me right up to her birth to finish it since Leo keeps me so busy.

I can't wait until she can sleep in it! It looks so comfy

The girl will have style!

I caught Jemima in the act! Silly cat

Monday, June 6, 2011

Garage Sale Season

Oh how I love a good deal! This past weekend I went out to shop the garage sales and found some excellent stuff! When Leo was born I wanted a swing but they were so expensive I just ended up borrowing my sister in laws well this weekend I found a fisher price one that the lady was only asking 15 dollars for! I could tell by the style it was max 2 years old and those things are normally 160 dollars! I was very pleased to say the least.

Again this image is from my phone so a little blurry but  it's amazing!
Another great find that I was so proud of is for Leo and eventually Lily, it is a really great cooking set for the playroom in the basement! I love it!

Leo was cooking us dinner at the time
The weather has been ridiculously hot so that was more motivation to start early in the morning and I am glad we did because along with those great finds I found a ton of clothes for both Leo and Lily. For months now Mike and I have been purging our belongings to make the move back home easier but now since we are back here I am glad we have the space for these things because I know the kids will love them.

P.S. Don't think Leo missed out on the fun

We had to wake up early he fell back asleep on the bed while I was getting ready!

Milk to go

So sleepy after a long morning of garage sales!
He can't wait until next weekend 's sales I'm sure

Garage sales even brought on a craving!
Lily wanted an oreo blizzard after all the incredible deals.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Summer is Here!

Memorial weekend is always the official start of summer to me and this year it was family packed! We had family come in from out of town on both sides so Leo had plenty of attention for the 3 day weekend. He loves being social as long as people don't try to hold or keep him back from his main goal which is getting into trouble. He is a curious baby and now that he is walking running everywhere he gets into everything. 

playing soccer with his best friend Jackson

He snuck into great-uncle Tim's new classic car and set off the alarms!...trouble

His eyes are kind of closed but this was the best image I had of this moment

awe...Family :)
Mike's family also had a party for his Grandma's 80th birthday! All his mom's family was there except for his cousin Teresa but we will forgive her since she is Miss America and all.

This is all of Mike's mom's siblings and their families...Leo was distracted. 

Walsh Siblings 

Mike's Grandma, I love this lady!

The boys were recreating "Up"

All the balloons popped so they settled to sit and talk to Mike
I love weekends like this where you spend all your time surrounded by family, it was a great way to start the summer!