Saturday, October 22, 2011

The Love of Siblings

I love watching Leo and Lily become closer and closer each day. I know they are only little babies but I already see a true bond blooming. Leo calls her "eee" he loves tickling her feet and reading her books. He is so adorable when he gives her a "bopple" which means both bottle and pacifier in his toddler language. When we leave the house he is so funny when he tries to pick up Lily in the car seat and grab the diaper bag! so priceless. They are only 16 months apart so I know my future holds a love/hate relationship between these two but honestly I have no regrets I absolutely love having them so close.

At her week old check up...He had to make sure everything was going correctly

Long Day!

Tickle Tickle Tickle!

Peek a boo!

Story Time!

Pacifier anyone?

awe...melts my heart

Our Little Lily

Everyday I love her more and more! I can't believe she is already 2 1/2 months old. She is turning into a bubbly smiley baby that brightens my day just by being there. I have noticed a few times when she is upset and squirming around in her bouncy if Leo comes and sits by her she immediately calms down. So cute! Leo loves to "feed" her and he actually is a really big little helper even though he is only 19 months old himself.

No Biting

If it was only that easy! Leo is really teething right now and therefore he is a biting monster!! He isn't mean about it he just bites at everything, Clothes, hair, nails, stuffed animals, car seats and unfortunately Lily :( We still love him and find him incredibly cute even through this biting phase which lets pray ends soon! 

Here is another fun memory that we will want to keep, putting Leo down for a nap right now is like putting the tazmanian devil down for one...He really fought sleep after I shut him in his room this afternoon and this is what I opened to find...naps are wasted on the young!

Tornado Leo

We still think he's pretty cute

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


We took the kids to the zoo last month and I absolutely love taking Leo to the zoo! For only being 18 months old he has gone several times and it seems like each visit is a whole new experience for him. He went to the petting zoo for the first time, he was not at excited as I thought he would be, he even showed a little fear of the animals which is very unlike him. Mike helped him feed the sheep and by the end of it he thought it was pretty cool. Lily just relaxed in her stroller but it will be no time before she is joining in on the fun!

Leo was not sure about this...

measuring up to the penguins


Sleepy Bear...

Monday, October 10, 2011

Lily's Newborn Pictures

A friend of a friend is a photographer and I really love her props so I took Miss Lily out to get her pictures done and even though some are a little ridiculous looking I think they turned out super cute and hey it was fun!  The First few pictures we took ourselves one afternoon and the one of Leo and Lily just melts my heart every time! 

Pretty in Pink


Leo did not want any part of these pictures at first
but then he thankfully changed his mind!


Big Boy Bed

After we brought Lily home from the hospital Leo refused to stay asleep in his crib, actually it began while we were in the hospital he stayed with Grandma and Grandpa Walsh and decided to be spider-baby and climb out of his play yard each night!! His feet must be webbed because he can climb anything and everything. So every night we put him to bed like normal and then about 15 minutes late...thud. Leo crawled out. We decided then that it was time to bump him up to his toddler bed. That idea worked about once or twice but he is a mover in his sleep and he fell out of that every night, even with the guard up. We decided to spoil our 18 month old with his very own full size bed and let me tell you  I don't regret it at all! Best decision ever He goes "night night" without a fight, sleeps through the night and wakes up with a smile!

He loves reading his books! 

Just not enough room!
The bed set up before we added the headboard

All snuggled up in bed

This boy loves pillows! He uses them more then the blankets

so sleepy....