Monday, February 20, 2012

Potty Training (Censored)

Soon after Leo turned 18 months we started talking about going potty like a big boy to him, nothing forced just putting the idea in his head that he could go in a potty chair if he ever felt the need. I never wanted to go full force on the potty training too soon and have it back fire so I figured if we started early and let him decide when he is ready maybe he will pick up the habit on his own by 3....we will see. So far He likes the idea of sitting on the potty chair when we go to the bathroom but that's about it. When you ask him if he needs to go potty he politely tells you no and goes about his business. He does though tell you when he has pooped and needs a new diaper so that to me is progress. I actually think he is getting pretty close to going in the chair because the last few days he has been getting pretty excited to sit on his chair, we can hope!

"you want me to do what!?"

He is thinking about it

We came home and he ran to the potty with his hat still on!    

Monday, February 13, 2012

Lily's Doctor's Visit

We ventured out into the snowy streets to take Lily to her 6 month checkup this morning! She is very healthy social girl! She smiled and laughed through the entire visit and was of course attacking her hands the entire time, we better see teeth soon!

At six months old Lily can:
  • Roll to her side bath and forth
  • grasp her bottle and toys
  • laugh and coo
  • She reacts to almost every kind of emotion 
  • Sit supported 
Little Habits:

  • She still talks herself to sleep ( she has done that since birth)
  • When she is sleepy she will rub her right hand over her eye and forehead over and over
  • She is obsessed with hands!
  • She loves laying and listening to music with Daddy!
  • Her feet are so ticklish!
  • You are a thumb sucker (it's cute for now!)
I am certain Leo and Lily are starting to form their own language because Leo will  be "talking" to her and she will gibber gabber back and he will giggle then she will giggle like they have an inside joke! 

6 Month Stats:
15 lbs
25 1/4 inches 

He decided to poop in the middle of the appointment!!

Back Home!

Lily's first snow!

 Wichita finally had snowfall! I was getting worried that our little Lily bug wouldn't get to experience a snowfall in her first year. Her coverup is a little big so she looks kind of funny but she is such a petite little thing it is hard to find things that just don't swim on her. Leo loved playing in the snow last year and this year wasn't much different except this year he is in to dressing himself and he refused to put on his heavy coat and gloves so he was running around yelling "cold cold cold" maybe he will listen tomorrow when we head outside!
I told her to make snow angels!

"cold cold cold"

Digging his car out of the snow

warmed up and cuddling!

 Then they both decided to pass out! They were worn out from playing in the snow!

Friday, February 10, 2012

6 months old!

Our little Lily bug is 6 months old today and to celebrate her half birthday we went and had lunch with Mike at work and then had a lazy afternoon of Leo watching bubble guppies and Lily napping!

Big Smiles!
Lily spent the evening cuddled up with her daddy which has become quite the habit these days!

Leo was a ball of fire this evening! The dogs were chasing him around like crazy and I am pretty sure he spent the majority of the night running naked. He likes to be free.

reading his big brother book!

Happy 6 months Lily Bug!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

A Birthday for Grandma, Lily out on the town and Superbowl!

This past weekend was jammed pack with events! We celebrated my Mom's birthday on Sat with them coming over for dinner and the babies giving her gifts! It's fun to have a family night, Leo really loved being around his Grandma and Grandpa! He has become almost a Saturday regular at their house. 

Happy Birthday Grandma!  

 After dinner Mike and I met up with friends to watch the KU basketball game, which Lily took part in! She is such a good little baby and everyone was amazed by how she could sleep through the noise She does live with Leo master of noise making

Passed out!

Oh KU lost? Oh well :P
 We also had a family get together on Sunday before the superbowl which Leo always enjoys. He adores my cousin Jackson! We celebrated my cousins birthdays, I can't believe my cousin Mariah is 16!! 

Cool Guy

He had to join the band!

And let's not forget about the superbowl! That I only watched for the halftime show and commercials ha! Leo enjoyed the pizza and dancing!

Poor Lily got sick that night and ran her first fever! She still is a little congested with a cough so I am glad we go the doctor Monday for 6 month checkup....I can't believe she will be 6 months tomorrow!!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Good Morning

Lily usually wakes up a good solid 2 hours before Leo right now. We really need to work on that. So anyway when Leo wakes up Lily and I are usually laying in bed finishing up a bottle and he will come running in hop in the bed all smiles and giggles. He usually lays next to Lily saying "blanket blanket" and wrapping both of them up giggling to himself. So cute! He then realizes he is hungry and will ask "breakfast? breakfast?" and scamper off the the kitchen.




Squishing Lily!

First Solo Bath

When Leo was born we were so excited to do all his "firsts" right away that I am pretty sure we gave him his first bath in the big tub at like 5 days old. Poor Lily is now just shy of six months old and she has had plenty of showers with either mommy or daddy and a few baths with Leo but I realized the other day we still have never given her her "official first bath" so I took out the frog tub and got her all ready to take a bath!

She wanted no part of laying down in the tub so she had to sit up to see the world! She can't sit on her own yet so the pictures are a little odd with one arm holding her up and the other taking her pictures, she had fun in the water though!

Back to the hands...

relaxing in her robe

All ready for bed!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

While Cooking Dinner...

Leo learned a new trick.

He learned how to push his sister around in her bumbo! At first I was a little weary of this new found entertainment but it seems harmless unless he picks up speed, so we will let him have fun with it for now.