Monday, June 25, 2012

Yey Leo!

Today is a big day in the Walsh household! Leo went potty in the potty chair for the first time ever!! He has been sitting on it and "going" or so he said for MONTHS but today he finally did it! I of course made a big deal of it and he thought he won the lottery followed by extreme shyness so by the time I grabbed the camera he was very shy and done with the idea. I hope it sticks!

"Mom get that camera away from me!" 

Friday, June 22, 2012

Today's Thoughts

The summer heat is upon us but it hasn't stopped Leo! He has been more active then ever these past few weeks. He loves playing with his car, trike and all his sporting equipment outside and when it is time to cool off and come inside his favorite is to sit and watch Thomas while playing with his cars, such a boy! I really do  treasure this age with him, he is becoming more understanding of listening to Mommy and Daddy and he is so caring/protective of Lily right now. He still has his stubborn moments for sure! He still fights us pretty hard on his naps but bedtime he sleeps like a champ (if he has the right pajama's on) He is VERY big on picking out his own clothes right now which leads to some pretty interesting outfits! He also keeps going back and forth between calling me mommy or "hoddie" He should have never learned my name was Holly! It is pretty funny when He hears me talk to Mike and refers to him as "Michael". 

Relaxing after a long hard day.

He can't just have one yogurt
Lily also is enjoying the summer sun even though we haven't broke her of the pool yet, she hates cold water! I am sure by summers end she will have become a fish, no worries. She's almost mobile, she likes making a circle while she lays on her belly but no crawling yet...she is almost 11 months should I be worried!? She IS a talker though, its all babble and "dada" but she is so intense! She lets you know whats on her mind for sure. She also has the stubborn gene in her because the girl is in love with her bottles but only has a sweet tooth when it comes to food, applesauce and vanilla yogurt are my only successes so far. She did stomach a few carrots last week but I believe that was a fluke. We try to feed her everything at this point but she pierces her lips so tight nothing is going through!

Look at the attitude she is giving!

Oh you are so funny Mama!

Last summer the days seem to drag on and on (it might have been because I was in my third trimester with Lily) BUT living next to the clinic I can't not say it enough how much of a blessing it is! Leo sees Mike every few hours we play outside more often and overall it just is so relaxed and I seem to get more accomplished around the house. I have my "I want to pull my hair out" moments but not nearly as much as I did through the fall...the babies are getting older also and I have found a routine that works. I love watching them play together and my favorite is when we are driving in the car and they are talking and laughing with one another, very sweet! 
Look who is all grown up!

Slushie to beat the heat!

Happy Weekend! 

Monday, June 18, 2012

Being Silly

The two of them getting ready for bed, I'm not sure why Lily even has a crib! They always end up in the same bed.

 This week has been very challenging getting back into a routine after our oh so fabulous Vegas getaway! I don't think we will ever be able to leave our kids that long again! They didn't seem to miss us while we were away but boy oh boy were they clingy monkey's over the past week! Lily would literally scream her lungs out if you sat her down and I didn't even dare leave the room because that's when the water works really started! Leo held my hand leaving/entering almost ever room in our house until about Thursday but even then he still would make sure I was right behind him.

Don't fear though this week we are sliding back into a routine. Leo has gone back to being super cute with good-byes, when Mike heads out in the morning Leo is always waving him off saying "bye bye daddy love you see ya later!" all in one speedy breath might I add.

In other news

Leo has become a master at puzzles! He can take them apart and piece them back all on his own, so smart!

As I mentioned earlier his new saying is "see ya later!"

Lily slowly but surely is starting to show interest in adult food(very picky still)...I swear I thought she would be on a liquid diet forever.

Lily loves peek a boo right now! She literally chuckles.

Leo is obsessed with Thomas the train right now...but only the UK version. That and "dinosaur train"

Summer activities are full on right now between swimming, playing outside and family parties we pretty busy!

Leo the Cowboy

Saturday morning we went to Cowtown Museum here in town with my cousins and their kids. Leo loves horses right now so he was very fascinated with the trip!

Singing for the class!

He found a friend "bandit"

Tess wanted to sit by Leo while they were having a snack but he wanted nothing to do with her! 

He decided he was too good to be in the picture with the girls

saying "see ya later" to the horsies! 

Sunday, June 17, 2012

"Happy Fars Day"

Leo was too cute telling Mike happy father's day, he couln't quite get "fathers" out so it was "happy fars day" which made even cuter to hear. This morning Leo gave my dad a card but he snatched the candy off of it so fast and handed him the card I couldn't even get a picture of him! but here's the card...

We literally slept the afternoon away and then went to Mike's parents for the evening. Very relaxing day. The best part was Mike was actually on call this weekend but was barely called so that was great!
