Saturday, September 22, 2012


Oh Leo, seriously where do I begin with Leo? Everyday he says about 10 different things I tell myself to write down so I don't forget how cute his sayings are and at the end of the day I am lucky if I remember 3 of them.  His new favorite question is "what you doing?" which he asks about 5 times an hour, most of the time he knows what are you doing I think he just likes to feel involved in whatever project I am working on. He is slowing moving on from Toy Story to the Shrek movies...which there are FOUR of. Good thing I love Shrek! Don't worry he still watches the other pixar movies at least twice a week if not more.

Another favorite of mine is when he wants to distract you from something like him taking a bath, going to bed  or anything that Mr. Leo doesn't want to do, he tells you that he wants to "watch this for a minute" it doesn't even have to be a show he likes. The other day before his nap he he pointed to what I was watching, which was "The Office", saying "lets watch this for a minute" anything to get out of sleeping...naps are wasted on the young!

He loves playing soccer in the front yard right now, which I mentioned before how Lily loves watching him and Mike play! Leo is really good at kicking, I think we might have a star on our hands. Playing outside has been wonderful since the weather cooled down and Leo has taken advantage of it very often. He has been playing outside literally for hours everyday! He also asks to go to "the clinic" or says "I go to work too?" mainly to get a sucker and show off to all the ladies in the office. In case you wondering what Leo does to show off I will tell you's licking...anything. Last week it was the fire hydrant and after that  he licked the stone on the outside of the building! We correct him but  I am certain he is going to grow some type of fungus on his tongue. yuck.

He still bites his nails but when I am clipping Lily's he must have his clipped too but the biting makes it a little hard to have anything to clip so we have to pretend, he thinks it's fun.

He is very into "cleaning" everything lately.

Seems a certain little boy thought he could eat mommy's makeup

going "ou-side"

Sheriff Leo!

Leo being a typical big brother

We were keeping susie while she was sick last week and
Leo was very sweet with her! Petting her saying shh it's alright"

Playing with woody and buzz while babysitting Reggie.

Helping with the dishes, his idea!

He wanted to wear his race-car driver costume to dinner.

Elmo anyone?


September 19th 2009 was the day Mike and I became Husband and Wife.
I feel so blessed everyday that I get to spend with him, here is to many many more years of blessings! 

Lily Days

Where to begin...I will start with a Lily update since she hasn't had as many updates as Mr. Leo. Since Lily has turned one it seems like she changes more and more everyday. Here are a few new tricks she has-

  • She loves to "dance" but since she isn't walking yet her "dancing" is sitting while shaking her head back and forth, the girl is going to get whip-lash! 
  • Her newest word is "um-ma" I am saying it means grandma.
  • She has quit having a bottle through the night..yes that means she is still using a bottle! She still has not found a love for sippy cups. 
  • She loves taking things out of bags, baskets, etc...especially the diaper bag!
  • She will laugh hysterically every time Leo runs around her and also when he plays soccer with daddy, we've got it on video several times!
  • Her taste buds are maturing she has started really loving mashed potatoes, carrots and cheerios. Grandma Julie canned a TON of applesauce last month so Lily has been eating lots of it...if she grows up to hate apples you will know why. 
She is still a very laid back little girl but she has started to have quite the personality at the same time. She loves playing with Leo and has really started getting into girly things such as her baby dolls, tea sets and reading her new books.  Her separation anxiety is fading away but she if she sees me she will certainly need to be held my me... She is also very much a daddy's girl still, the way she smiles and laughs at Mike makes your heart melt for sure. 

This is how Lily goes grocery shopping

Playing Peek-a-boo

Finally loves her baths!


She can seriously fall asleep anywhere

fairy princess

Caught her stealing my sunglasses!

This is what Lily does while I take a shower...Have to keep an eye on her!

Rainy day on the porch.

Playing with grass.
Lily is becoming more mobile everyday, talking all the time and growing a bunch! I know I need to cherish these last few months where she is a "baby" because very soon I will turn around and see a toddler!