Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Kisses and High Fives

Kisses and High Fives are two of Lily's favorite tricks right now. She has learned to give even her dolls kisses and she will raise her hand for you to high five. She laughs hysterically with the high fiving! Leo always comes running yelling "high five too" with his hand in the air. These tricks she actually has been doing for awhile now but she gets such enjoyment out of them still. What can I say?, whatever keeps them happy!

Sporting one of her 4 pairs of skinny jeans today.

This is Miss night owl as I typed this. 

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Cozy Evening

Since everyone has been feeling a little sluggish this week I thought to I would be festive and cook a very fall like dinner. Potato Soup and Cinnamon rolls, very delicious and warm! Lily enjoyed sipping the soup with her baby spoons and Leo of course just want the cinnamon rolls but that was very much expected. Overall it made the night feel cozy and the kids ate well.

This was my second try at potato soup from scratch and this time was the success. 

What he wore to dinner: toy story shirt and vest with spiderman pj pants...he made to sure to take off his sheriff hat before sitting at the table!

Lily did enjoy the soup but she still needs her bottle before bed..Leo thought she might want her tinkerbell sippy cup , such a good brother! 


Wall Hangings

Our bedroom has been pretty bare since we moved into this house in May and FINALLY i got around to hanging up some arrangements I have had tucked away for months! They are simple but have made a huge difference!

Above the bed

The wall you see from the hallway. (next to a window)

Two Little Monkeys

Oh it's so true.

Everyone has a head cold in the Walsh house this week...which leads to running the humidifier and very clingy children. I ran across this picture that sums up our sleeping arrangements while we all have colds...just add another child in the there and you have it.

Monday, October 8, 2012


So the weather changed from 90 degree days to 60 degree days in like a week here in Kansas so I thought I would start on our fall pictures before it got any colder! Lily loved her little pumpkin and was very interested in the stem of all things but it kept her happy and we got a few good pictures! Leo on the other hand kept using it as a bowling ball so we will have to reattempt his pictures here in the next few days.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Debate Night

Dinner: Orange Chicken yummy!

Lily watching the debate, she passed on her bath last night.

Leo has been all about baths lately!

Paying attention to the debate like he knows  it all.

Who will win? We will see Nov. 6th 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

What we are doing

Lily is still no where near walking but the girl loves to dance! She hears any type of Jingle and she shakes her head back and forth like crazy, now Leo even knows what she is doing, when she is whipping her hair back and forth he looks at you and says "Lily dance, Lily dance!"

"What you doing" a question I hear a million times a day from Leo. Most of the time he knows exactly what you are doing but he asks anyway and if you tell him the wrong thing he quickly corrects you.

Leo "Mom what you doing?"
Me"Taking a shower"
Leo"No you taking a bath" "Oh you taking a Shower..." "Are you done?" in one long breath!

Another form of questioning that is popular with him:

"You doing laundry?" "I do laundry tooooooo" The "too" is always in a very deep long voice
"You cooking" "I cook too"

In the middle of the day.

Nap time has to include "jammies" now for some reason but it has made naptime happen easy to I will take it.
Enjoying the wonderful weather we have been having!

Leo's version of folding laundry.

Lily's face is priceless "silly brother!"

Leo loves to go to the clinic with Daddy..he is always guaranteed a sucker and playtime with a kitty cat that Mike is oh so casually hinting at adopting.

Leo has a fantastic memory (when he wants to) several weeks ago I was swinging him on the front porch and fed him donuts while he was in the swing now every time we swing he asks where are his donuts...jeez.

His imagination has really taken off...He is adorable to listen to while he is playing. He talks for his toys and makes up situations where he he has to rescue other toys with his fire engine.We bought a dollhouse a few days ago and one of the first things he did was have all the dolls go potty while he made the sound effects!  He makes Lily's tinkerbell fly and he also has started wearing his superhero cape and pretend he is "fying" I absolutely love this stage!

Learning to use pedals.

Must be hard work to be spider-man and Sheriff woody at the same time.

His love for trains has exploded even more that we found a museum here in town that you can get in and out of several different styles, We will most likely have to invest in the membership to the museum since we had to drag him out literally kicking and screaming "I want to see trains!!" The employee there felt bad for him so he gave us free coloring books which Leo enjoyed very much.

The boys were in love.

Side Note: I have to go get a new drivers licence this week which makes me very sad, My current picture is fantastic I took it two days after our wedding and I will be sad when the cut it up :(

I have been working on their playroom downstairs with painting and new wall decals, organization and a few new toys. Pictures to come!

Very shocking but Lily loves peas! Mike despises peas and I really can't get Leo to eat them unless they are mixed in with pasta but Lily gobbles them up like crazy! She also has been severely burnt out on strawberry yogurt and applesauce so her taste buds could just be screaming for a change. New favorites include the peas, cottage cheese, apple juice (gulp, gulp, gulp) and mashed potatoes.

Leo has been very clingy to his cousin Brenden lately, we have had a few sleepovers and day outings together and Leo has been getting so excited! He literally throws himself to the ground screaming when Brenden has to go home. Almost every morning he asks "We go see Brenden?" or "Where is Brenden, I want see him" Awe I hope the bond lasts! It is very cute to see them play.

The weather has been amazing and I can't wait to get their pictures done in their Halloween costumes!! Lets hope Leo plays along...he has plenty of outfits to choose from so we will see!

Leo was not a fan of the frog costume I originally
 picked out to go with Lily's princess costume...