Saturday, March 30, 2013


 3 years ago I was being admitted to the hospital about to give birth to our little boy Leo! 
He was the most wonderful looking person I had ever seen and I will never forget what it felt like becoming a parent and bringing him into this world. 

A year later he was a bouncy little baby boy that kept me on my toes! He was walking, talking, and preparing to be a big brother!

Last year you were becoming such a little man and growing up so fast! 


This year you have truly blown me away, you and I have full conversations, you are so loving and kind towards your sister and your imagination, curiosity and energy keep us going everyday! 
 All around you are all boy. Current obsessions are superheros, trains, and bubble guppies.
You are almost 100% potty trained, I still get nervous when we leave the house for a long period of time but you rarely have accidents. I try to write down all the cute things you say, because you crack us up on a daily basis. I adore how you love your sister and I pray that never changes. 

Happy Birthday Leo Thomas, you truly have stolen my heart! 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Pretending to cut my hair with toy pliers "Now your hair all dressed up!"

Acting very independent at a trip to Dillons (using the child sized cart) I asked him to stay close to me and he replied "no I just need to settle down"

Playing with June "Good girl June, you silly boy!"

He has been calling our magnets on the fridge his "coupons" to take to the store with his grocery cart.

Going through his baby clothes for a new baby in the family and he showed  a bit of an attachment to his old Thomas PJs

Today while I was about to clean a mess he started yelling "you need the hairspray!!" I thought "what in the world is he talking about!?" The Lysol bottle looks like my hairspray bottle so now he thinks I clean with hairspray! 

Ready to leave with all his treasures in his backpack!

One day he was a little ball of energy testing my patience a little too much  and just when I thought I was loosing my  cool he looks up at me and says "how  'bout kisses?" Honestly my heart melted!

Leo is in a some what Dora/Diego phase so a new thing he has been saying to Lily when they are playing/sharing toys is "No swiping Lily!"

I was looking at a peanut butter cookie recipe online this morning and Leo asked what the picture was so I said "cookies I want to bake" he replied "yum! Oink! Oink!" Where does he get this stuff!?

Helping Mommy cook, yum!

These are the pictures I took for his birthday, can you tell he was excited?

Train Show

Saturday we took the kids to the the Train Expo downtown, to say the least Leo was excited. We got there and I literally could not keep up with him he was getting so excited he ran into tables, displays, people you name it. The big train display he and Brenden sat in front of forever and every time the train came back around Leo was shaking with excitement! 

Leo even joined the fun!

At all the displays Leo would say "choo-choo" or whistle like the train, at one point one of the train operators  was sarcastic in telling him that he should show more excitement. Brenden wasn't as enthralled with the trains every once in awhile he would ask "Hoddy when are we weaving this pace?" 

Maybe Leo will put his love for trains into good use and become an engineer, he would defiantly fit in with Daddy's friends with that career. 

Friday, March 15, 2013

This Week in Instagram

We love this Vapor Bath! 
New shoes for me! 

The stores really know how to rope me in...

homemade pudding pie, yum!

Quicktrip run to grab "his favorite color"

Jenkins hiding behind the couch

Leo heard us talking about Pope Francis and is now calling the fish that...I am not sure if we should be naming our fish after the New Pope but Leo seems to thinks we should.


Reading his puppy a book

Last Night

Last night we had a sleepover with Brenden so that Steve and Amanda could enjoy new baby Brooke for an evening without Big Brother. The boys are getting along so much better with age, they were even able to play downstairs by themselves without fighting/screaming/pinching/biting each other while I cooked dinner! It was actually pretty enjoyable hearing them talking and playing independently.

Watching "Wreck it Ralph" 

Bedtime stories

We still had a meltdown or two...fighting over the potty chair of all things.

Can't wait to have girly sleepovers with Brooke and Lily!! 

Friday, March 8, 2013

This week in Instagram

Bierocks for dinner! 

Celebrated with a drink while watching Kstate win in Basketball

Leo took over the shopping.

New prints to frame for their room.

Our Niece Brooke was born EARLY Wednesday morning (more to come!) 

Mike's favorite coffee mug right now. 

Saturday, March 2, 2013

A Few Cute Things

Things Leo say

As we are walking out of church "Hurry put your hat on before your hair gets cold"

He always smiles so big at Lily hugging her and saying "Her my sister, my baby girl...hi baby girl!"

"Daddy it's time for your birthday!"

 He was telling my mom "Only potty at my house" because she didn't have a potty chair yet

Aunt Susie asked him a couple weeks back "Is Jackson your best friend?"
simply he replies "Ya."

"Don't worry about it, Mom"- whenever he is up to something he isn't suppose to be

There is a song on the radio right now that has a verse "oh we yo we yo we yo" and Leo refers to it as "It's my song" because he is convinced they are say "Oh Leo, Leo, Leo"

Singing Lily the "Miss America" song Leo came running in very concerned yelling "She is not cap merica!" (Captain America)

On all the snow days he still ventured out to get our mail...he is used to a sidewalk under all that snow! 

Spaghetti in big boy "unner wears"

I told him we needed to clean his room, I guess he only knows how to clean with a broom :) 

He thought my phone was broken so he fixed it with his "skew diver"

Big helper with wiping all the "stow" off

Reading his blog

Coming home from a long day at the Clinic  

Snowed In=Potty Trained

So if I remember anything from this snowstorm of 2013 is that it potty trained Leo! We went from NO INTEREST into him being so proud and happy about the entire activity. We still have issues with grown-up toilets (He is really big on potty chairs) BUT He tells us when he needs to go and he has had dry pull-ups almost every night! It really helped that we bought him superman and buzz lightyear "unner wears" Let's keep it up! 


We couldn't ask for a happier baby girl

Lily's MRI results came back perfectly fine, nothing to worry about anymore! She is a healthy baby girl who just is taking her sweet time becoming independent. We will start a physical therapy on Monday to help motivate her into walking and eating on her own but it won't be a long term activity. I am just relieved they got back with us so quickly and that there isn't anything to worry about! 

Friday, March 1, 2013

This Week in Instagram

Snowy Sunset

Birthday Basket for Mike

Blizzard view from our bedroom

Why buy toys when they have so much fun with boxes?

Snow day playing video games

Leo tucked the puppy in nice and tight for a nap

New shower curtain rings 

I organized our hallway closet with all these snowed in days

New frames for the kids room

Driving in a winter wonderland

Leo's card to Mike for his birthday!