Sunday, February 27, 2011

silly pictures

Leo obviously has a mind of his own and sometimes the things he gets into just crack me up! Here a few samples of his craziness.
Thinking he can drive at 11 months

putting anything and EVERYTHING in his mouth

Trying to escape from his crib

helping mommy with selling things on craigslist

Eating his stuff animals arms

Eating Q-tips (unused of course)
silly baby!

Party Time!

This past weekend we went home and on Saturday we went to Cousin Connor's first Birthday party! Leo loved being around all the other babies. He is such a social butterfly, I love how when he sees other children he just smiles and starts gibber gibbering with them! Connor received many fun toys for his birthday and Leo was convinced they were for him to take home, doesn't he know his birthday will be here soon enough!? (can't believe that!)

Since the hat didn't stay on long
 this is literally the best picture I have.

He decided he needed some new reading material

Connor eating away!

Again Leo thought he needed new reading material
Great Party!

Monday, February 21, 2011

11 month old meal plan

With Leo getting older and eating more foods I have really been trying to stick to a diet and schedule that is good for him. So I thought I would share with you all What he eats during the day!

6:30 4oz formula (trying to still ween him from this feeding)
8:00 Up for the day! banana, cheerios or nutri-grain bar (apple or strawberry) w/ sippy of water ( we have also just started slowly introducing cows milk)
10:00 6 oz formula then nap!
12:00 Today we had turkey and cheese sandwiches with peaches. He also likes grilled cheese, chicken pieces, ravioli, along with veggies and a whole grain. w/ sippy
2:00 6 oz formula
3:00 peas, carrots, or apples, cantalope etc.. with gold fish or cheezits
4:00 nap!
6:00 4-6 oz formula along with whatever we eat for dinner.
8:00 6oz of formula mixed with rice cereal.

No wonder he is getting such a big belly!!

So in case you wondering What I cook for dinner each night this is our schedule this week...

Sunday: We were lazy and cooked pizza lol

Monday: Cold macaroni salad with shredded chicken and pineapple yum!

Tuesday: Chicken and dumplings with croissants

Wednesday: Manicotti with Ceaser Salad (my mission is homemade croutons!)

Thursday: Baked Chicken with potatoes and mixed veggies

Friday: We will be driving to Wichita so most likely be sandwiches and fruit salad in the car. haha

While we are the topic of food...We just stocked up for Leo's last month using formula!! I can't believe it. He gave up on baby food along time ago so we are just saving for Baby number 2 but I thought I would share what his cabinet looks like at the beginning of each month before he devourers it all. lol

well now I am hungry LOL

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Winter Hum Drum

We are so ready for Spring!! The weather the last few days have defiantly given us a taste of great weather and I am for sure looking forward to open windows, trips to the park and playing outside with Leo!  On another note getting out of the house I hope will get my mind off of my to-do lists. I am always thinking dishes, laundry, vacuuming, old fashioned of me! It's amazing how two adults and a little baby make such a mess, I need a lot more practice before the next baby. How do people do it!? ah..its not that bad just time consuming!

Here are some photos to escape the chores of the day...


Happy Valentine's Day!

Not tired at all!
Just Chillin

Squinty Eyes...

is for sure Leo's new talent.


These photos make my day 

Monday, February 7, 2011

First Craving...

I had a first pregnancy craving yesterday! I know it's early and I am sure I was just hungry because I am finally getting my appetite back but I told Mike I was hungry for chicken tenders with honey mustard, so we decided to go get some. I craved chicken all through my pregnancy with Leo too, I must like chicken. haha We decided to try this new place here in Manhattan called Longhorns. We opened the menu and of course they had chicken tenders with honey mustard! Dinner was so delicious. Leo must have had some craving too because he was all over this dinner he thought it was so yummy!

Do you think he was ready for dinner?

10 month old Bedtime Routine

Such a precious time for me!!

After dinner we usually let Leo play his little heart out until bath time. which he always enjoys

If u look behind him you can see the
kitchen aide funnel I was talking about before

Always something in his mouth!

After bath its time for jammies! Then we usually read some books or play a little bit longer...just to burn all that energy! 

He was telling June to move out of
 his rocker so he can have his bottle

I'm ready!
We then turn off the lights and have a last bottle while singing twinkle twinkle or Abc's... still his all time fav's! He then doses off and starts rubbing his eyes. I love that precious time with him, its so sweet. Then he lays down in his crib which is hard for a few minutes He still doesn't like going to sleep on his own but I always tell him I love him and sweet dreams. I would have a sleeping picture for you but for the sake of not waking him up by a flash you will just have to imagine him laying in his crib all snuggled for bed. Sleeping is getting better as long as we stick with the routine! I miss Leo sleeping in our room but I know that everyone sleeps better and longer when on their own. He still has that early morning feeding but it is slowly dwindling down. Bedtime is sometimes a struggle with babies but if they only knew how precious sleep is!

Friday, February 4, 2011

I love being a Mom

I really believe that being a mom is what I am meant to do with my life. Old fashioned it may sound but  I have never felt more complete in my life! When we found out we were having Leo I felt so blessed and now with a second baby on the way I could be happier.  Just a thought for the day.

so happy!

Come take a bath with me...says Leo

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

It's About Time

...that I get my hair done.

I looked in the mirror today (this does not happen very often as of late) and realized my hair is probably  5 different colors of reddish brown. It seriously is in dire need of a make over asap! Good thing I am in my second trimester now so that is an option!

Just thought I would let you all know!