Monday, February 21, 2011

11 month old meal plan

With Leo getting older and eating more foods I have really been trying to stick to a diet and schedule that is good for him. So I thought I would share with you all What he eats during the day!

6:30 4oz formula (trying to still ween him from this feeding)
8:00 Up for the day! banana, cheerios or nutri-grain bar (apple or strawberry) w/ sippy of water ( we have also just started slowly introducing cows milk)
10:00 6 oz formula then nap!
12:00 Today we had turkey and cheese sandwiches with peaches. He also likes grilled cheese, chicken pieces, ravioli, along with veggies and a whole grain. w/ sippy
2:00 6 oz formula
3:00 peas, carrots, or apples, cantalope etc.. with gold fish or cheezits
4:00 nap!
6:00 4-6 oz formula along with whatever we eat for dinner.
8:00 6oz of formula mixed with rice cereal.

No wonder he is getting such a big belly!!

So in case you wondering What I cook for dinner each night this is our schedule this week...

Sunday: We were lazy and cooked pizza lol

Monday: Cold macaroni salad with shredded chicken and pineapple yum!

Tuesday: Chicken and dumplings with croissants

Wednesday: Manicotti with Ceaser Salad (my mission is homemade croutons!)

Thursday: Baked Chicken with potatoes and mixed veggies

Friday: We will be driving to Wichita so most likely be sandwiches and fruit salad in the car. haha

While we are the topic of food...We just stocked up for Leo's last month using formula!! I can't believe it. He gave up on baby food along time ago so we are just saving for Baby number 2 but I thought I would share what his cabinet looks like at the beginning of each month before he devourers it all. lol

well now I am hungry LOL

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