Monday, August 22, 2011

A Family of Four

Time is flying by! It has almost been two weeks since Lily was born and we sure have been busy. Leo is adjusting really well considering how young he still is. He loves to "tickle" her feet and give kisses. We are working on his excitement around her though, he gets a little too excited and starts waving his arms around and we have had a few accidents of smacking Lily...but he just loves her so much he just can't contain it. lol Lily is still in that newborn stage where they sleep 99% of the time, this time around I have learned that you can't just hold your perfect little newborn baby 24/7 and how important it is to lay them down. It is very tempting though to just sit and hold her but with Mr. Leo that just isn't possible, he keeps us busy!

First night home!

Pretty Girl! 

Along with everything else going on in our lives we decide to buy a van the weekend after Lily is born. Our timing is perfect I know. We got an incredible deal on a Mazda mpv, we weren't sure if we ready to be a mini van owner yet but in the end we decided it was for the best and we are very happy with our purchase!

Here it is in all it's glory! 

Lily went in to the doctor for her week appointment and passed with flying colors! she is over her birth weight and healthy as can be! She is a great little eater so she never really lost any weight like most babies do after birth. I was surprised because Leo lost almost an entire pound after he was born, every child is so different!
She wasn't really sure what to think 

Leo had to make sure everything was going smoothly 
 Well things have been crazy around here and we are still trying to figure out a routine but I will try to keep you all updated on what is going on! They seem to grow so fast the next thing I know Lily will be running around trying to keep of with Leo!

One week old 

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