Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Little Pilgrims

Thanksgiving is a holiday that has grown on me over the years, if anyone knows me they know I was not a fan of it in my younger days mainly because I did not like turkey growing up but my mom made the turkey for the past couple years and this year she cooked it in a slow roaster...delicious! It was seriously the best turkey I have every had! Leo loved it too, this year he was actually able to partake on the food instead of his yummy baby food he had last year, still our little grazer only munched on a few pieces of turkey and then about a bazillion Hawaiian rolls. Lily slept through the entire meal and then some! Family members were just itchin' to hold her when she woke up from her slumber. Leo also took a nap after the meal a 3 hour nap! so he missed out on most of the holiday also but no worries they still had fun when they weren't napping and much happier then if they hadn't had one so yey for naps! 

waiting for food...

Snacking...along with his car (they are never to far away)

Sleeping Lily-bug and Leo eating his 3rd roll.

yummy turkey!

What is Thanksgiving without a picture of him stuffing his mouth of food!?

Mike checking out my Aunt's new kindle fire.

Her pretty bow that I made!

Lily cooing away...

Playing some wii

Leo thought my Granddad's turkey hat was funny!


My Little Ham and My little Turkey!!
Good Holiday!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Escape Artist

We have a smart little boy on our hands! He has learned to get out of his carseat! In my opinion this is no good, we will be driving 45 mph and I look back and see Leo's arms waving around and hearing the clicking of his buckle. He learned his new talent by playing with Lily's carseat at home and now we are in a real pickle! So we just have to strap him in tighter and hope for the best. Silly Monkey

I caught him with one arm out...

He is thinking this is so frustrating!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Our Little Coo Machine

This little girl is such a smiling cooing machine! Her favorite thing is to sit on our laps in the sitting position just cooing away and giggling to herself between each smile. It's absolutely adorable. Leo of course eats it up also, he has watched us pick up Lily out of her bouncy numerous times now that he thinks it is his job now to "pick" her up when she is fussy and "sshhh" her, such a good big brother! 

Look who can sit up all on her own!

Trying to cuddle

Lily was not liking all this "closeness"

Daddy's Home! 
Lily is changing daily and it always amazes me how fast time fly's. She has quickly grown out of her "sleeping all day" phase and now is getting into her routine. She still wakes up around 5am to eat but quickly falls back into sleepy land and then wakes up around for the day around 8am. She will relax in her bouncy for the majority of the morning kicking and flaring her legs and arms while I feed Leo his breakfast and get things started for the day. She does like her mommy time that's for sure! She will quickly calm down when she is held close and rocked. Leo of course it not too far way, he usually doesn't show too many signs of jelousy except when he is tired for a nap and then he decides to climb all over us whispering "mama mama mama" that's when I know its nap time for little man!

BIG smile

Not very matchy matchy that day

With the colder weather coming up I feel my mama bear instincts kicking in and I want to stock up on everything I can think of. Last winter I  barely got out with one baby, what on earth am I going to do with two babies!? That is why I am thankful for my amazing husband who is a huge help in his own way after he has worked his long hours at the clinic.

Leo has picked up some more everyday words his newest ones are:

Grandpa "gmmpa" 
Jemima "mima" (our cat)
Good Girl "goo guuurrl" (said to the dogs) 
Thank you "Dank you" 
Turtle he says this one very clear!
Bible very clear also!

I turned the big 2-6 yesterday...getting old! Mike and I went to a very lovely dinner at Mike's Wine dive and we went and saw J. Edgar. I forgot my camera at home so no pictures to go along with this but just it was a celebration still!  The only picture I have to show for my birthday is one I took of the kids first thing in the morning...
yep, they were excited...can you tell?

More stories to come later...Lily is requesting a nice warm bottle.

Friday, November 11, 2011


I Love this time of year! It's very refreshing after such a long hot summer to get out our sweaters and breath in the fresh crisp air. I wanted to capture some of the beautiful trees that have been around town lately so we took family pictures the other day and considering Leo was in terrible mood (can't ever plan on a toddlers mood being good all the time) they turned out pretty good!
Leo was saying "cheese" in this one!

Leo looks like he is posing BUT don't be fooled
he is trying to pull away from Mike.

I Love the tree behind us!

sooo interested in the leaves

Running away, of course.

This picture was blurry so I thought I would put an artistic twist on it.

so cute.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Halloween Memories

This year we took Leo door to door trick or treating! It was so much fun seeing him learn the tradition of Halloween. After he went to the first house and got a piece of candy he was set. He thought it was awesome that he was getting candy for no reason and didn't even realize we had an entire neighborhood still to walk through. He hasn't really mastered unwrapping candy yet so Grandma Julie found alot of half eaten candy still in the wrapper in her candy bowl. Hilarious. We went with a Super Mario Brothers theme this year. Homemade of course, mainly because the boys are still too small for the costume's at the store. Lily was Princess peach but she stayed at the house with Grandma while we went trick or treating. She liked handing out the candy since she can't eat it yet.

This is the only picture I was able to get of him in his entire costume!

He was more interested in taking Lily's crown off

Not happy with the picture taking! He was ready for the candy I promised him about.

He had to bring his Nilla wafer box from Granddads..He is addicted to them.

He Loves Granddad! 

Mario with Grandpa Joe, they are buddies.

This was the beginning when he was still confused on what he was suppose to be doing.

Mario and Luigi Walking up to Grandpa Tony!

Hhmmm...I will take that one and that one and oh that one!

Walking with Daddy


He was singing...what song, who knows!

Happy Halloween!
Handing out Candy was hard work!

Full Time Crafy Mom

My newest addiction I must say is Pinterest. It's awesome! It's a place online where I can collect all my ideas about any project I am working on. Scrapbooking, decorating, cooking and even my wardrobe. I'm obssessed. I have a Mile long list of things I am wanting to do but here is what i told myself I am going to do this month.

A carseat Cover for Lily (different fabric)

How to Make your own Roman Shade without Sewing. 

Great way to show off special keepsakes without looking tacky.

Along with this new addiction I have found a new motivation to become a sewer. It is my early new years resolution to become a crafty sewer. I will keep you updated on my progress!