Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Distractions and all the words that come with it.

Distractions are key in the life of Leo. He understands the word "no" but he is very stubborn so when we need him to stop doing something or change the direction of his behavior our new mission is to distract him with asking him questions..."where are your eyes, teeth, ears, belly button"  etc..

The main time we need to do this:

  •  Hair pulling which in no way is it a good situation, he latches on and holds on for deer life!! So lets hope these distractions keep on doing their job!
  • Buckling him in his carseat -He actually doesn't fight us on going into the seat it is the act of buckling he thinks he has to do the actual buckling part which is cute but very time consuming.
  • Lily -Like I have said before he has been a very good big brother but sometimes his love is a little overwhelming for Lily and his kisses and hugs turn into suffocating her and not letting go. He just loves her so much!
  • Pulling the animals tails -Who knows why he loves to do this! 
In other parts of Leo's life he is excelling very well! He talks up a storm now and is a very busy bee with all his toys and books. That boy loves to read! He also gets super excited when we count to 10, the closer you get to the number 10 the more excited he gets and when we are done he claps and yells "yey!" 

A list of the top words we hear him say:

CAR-about a million times a day lol
Lily or "eee"
Dad-DEE The end of daddy is very much enthusiastic
Mommy or when he is tired "Mama" of course my Favorite! 
Teeth- "tee" this also means toothbrush. 
Cracker "crackER"
Cookie "cooookkiieee" He likes to add lots of "o's" to cookie.
More "mo"
Water "wa-er" He even calls milk "wa-er" most of the time but when he says milk he has to say it with "mo" so it always comes out sounding like "mo-mil" 
Dog "daa" When the dogs bark he always perks up and goes "oh daa" in a very deep voice. so cute.
Cat "ca"
All Done "alll"
Bye-Bye "byyyee Byyyee"
Hi "hi" very quick and short sounding I might add.
He says eye, nose and mouth pretty clear and when you ask where is mouth is he always sticks out his tongue!
Cheese "chheeesssee" both the food and for the camera of course
Thanks "danks"
Book "Buke"
Chicken "chick a chick a chick" with a little wiggle. 
Tickle "ticka ticka ticka" always to Lily's feet!
Bite "bi" hungry boy! 
He also repeats almost anything we say now so we have reminded ourselves to be extra careful in the words we say and the tone. He picks up on everything, smart kid. 

Our little superstar saying Cheese!

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