Saturday, May 12, 2012


This past month we moved out of our rental house and into a house next to the clinic. It has been amazing being so close to Mike's work! It took a few days for Leo to adjust and realize we were in a different place and that he couldn't just follow daddy to work(yes he tried). We are hoping our renting days are over and that we can really concentrate on saving for a house in the next year. Fingers crossed! 

She thought we built her a castle!

EEK! Alot of stuff to move!

He was helping Daddy put together is new toy.


Helping Pap-pa fix the porch!

First sleepover at the new house!

Popcorn a bed time tradition

Lily wanted some too and Leo was "protecting" it 

We had to use this mini-fridge for the first week until we bought a  new full size one!
It held
Diet coke
(Daddy's drinks too)
It taught us what we thought was important, haha. 
Now we are almost settled in and things are getting back to a routine so life should get back to normal soon. The house has been empty for a year so we had alot of work to do when we first moved in cleaning mainly and organizing our belongings. The babies share a room now but it is a good size room and it hold both beds with room to play so it works for me! We are adjusting to having carpet again instead of hard wood..mainly Leo can't walk around with his food as much or naked like he likes...too many potty accidents! We are working on the potty training though!

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