Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Crazy Kids

Whew! What a Month! I don't even know where to start...Lily is changing so much, she has a huge appetite these days chowing down on banana's, carrots and her still favorite strawberry applesauce! She has found the great taste of cheerios but hasn't mastered her chewing skills quite yet so we still have to break them apart for her (spoiled!) 

Nom Nom Nom!
My absolute favorite thing to hear right now is Leo singing the ENTIRE Abc's to Lily. I have no clue what age kids learn the alphabet but I'm blown away he sings it all by himself from A to Z

Sibling Love
As much as I love my son this summer has been a challenge! He has hit his terrible two's and sometimes you just have to throw your hands up in the air and walk away (but not for two long or else he will surprise us all with what happens next) He isn't necessarily acting badly just very stubborn *cough* very Daddy Like *cough* and things go in one ear and out the other for sure! I know it's a process and He will eventually grow out of and be the sweet little boy that I see for about 30 % of the day. He keeps me on my toes whether he's climbing in the kitchen cabinets or peeing on the carpet  I honestly do love his personality and I know he will be the life of the party when he is older!

Our Little Stinker!

Lily's is growing, growing and growing! I sat her down on the couch while I went to make her a snack and came back with in two minutes to find her passed out!! It's exhausting being a little girl.

Sleepy head!
BTW Lily's birthday is in 3 weeks!!! I can't believe it either! 

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