Leo has always been very good with his manners but lately he has been right on the ball with his "please and thank you"..or more often then not "no thank you"
"Leo would you like _____ to drink or eat" in which he always responds "Oh yes please!" Yesterday Mike (jokingly) says "Leo do you want to go to Olive Garden?" Leo started jumping up and down "Yes Please! Yes Please Daddy!" too funny!
Potting training and naps/bedtime are filled with alot of "no thanks yous" but that is expected.
My favorite thing Leo is doing right now (just because he sounds so cute) but whenever he burps, even if you don't hear it, he always looks over at you smiles and says "scuse me hahahaha" it seriously is the cutest thing.
He always says thank you when you hand him items which I find especially cute.
Waiting for Popcorn, yum! |
Overall Leo has just been so adorable lately with all the things that have been coming out of his mouth! Some are maybe TMI but they are too funny not to share, for example, Leo was going to bed last night and he was a little lets say...gassy and out of no where he just starts laughing hysterically saying "gas is coming out of my bottom!" I giggled all the way out into the living room.
Out of the blue he will tell me he's "gotta go" and runs to get the keys and heads out the door which is very quickly followed by him coming right back in sayings "it's cold out there!" We did buy him a Thomas hat that he loves!
"I can't get my Cheetos Mama" |
He loves to "cook an egg" every morning, if he actually eats it well that is rare.
"I need two!" |
"I do it" |
Leo always so softly "sshhhs" Lily when she is upset and he has started to rub her back while he does it.
When I get in the shower every morning within seconds he still pulls the curtain back "are you done in there!?"
This is how he decided to take his nap one day |
"What Powder?" |
When Mike gets home from work it is usually followed by Leo asking "What are we doing tonight Daddy?"
For several months now (and it has really stuck) when he doesn't want to do something anymore he has to tell us "I don't want to go to bed "anymo" "I don't want diaper anymo" etc...and he uses his "anymo" with everything. "I don't want daddy's game anymo" which means Mike's TV show haha!
He likes to play this sleep/wake up game where he covers himself up in blankets and "snores" followed by him immediately popping up "I'm awake!"
Thomas, Percy and James trains are played with on a daily basis
.JPG) |
Trains, Trains, Trains |
He caught me taking his picture! |
Dinosaur Hunting! |
Coloring at Grandmas with "benden" |
Mad that the make up wouldn't wash off easily |
He loves messing with my makeup and somehow always gets mascara all over himself but at the same time hands it to me asking me "on your face?"
He has for awhile now but it still amazes me that he can dress and undress himself completely on his own and put on his shoes and socks alone also! (His shoes are all still velcro)
Shrek is still playing on a daily basis...it looks like his birthday party with be Shrek or Toy Story, we will see come March!
Wanted to take a picture for Mama... |
Didn't want to take a picture for Mama... |
He is growing so fast!!