Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Hospital Visit

After Lily had her doctors appointment at the beginning of the month both the Doctor, Mike and I were still concerned that Lily isn't walking, self-feeding(the amount she is suppose to be) or speaking at the age level that is she is and that maybe we should run tests to make sure we aren't missing anything that might be wrong. Lily over all is very healthy and happy but her head is on the larger size so they ordered an MRI, yesterday morning we spent the day at the hospital doing just that. 

I know now that I was a nervous wreck for nothing because we actually had a really nice set-up. We had our own room on the pediatrics floor, the nurses were fantastic and Leo had all the toys he could possibly wish for. At first I thought she was going to be under anesthesia for the MRI which was scary, scary and more scary! It turned out they just give her a dose of a medication that makes her very sleepy. WHEW! I was relieved to say the least. I was literally in tears when I thought she was going to have anesthesia. 

She was a HUGE champ with all the needle poking and vital readings. I was very proud with how smiley she stayed through out the morning. 

Now Leo thought this was all about his as he was "roaring" at the nursing staff, having "choc milk" from the cafeteria while watching super reader and playing with toys. Leo had a great day, you would have never known he spent it at the hospital. 

Making himself comfy

Doing his rounds! 

Giving Daddy a check-up

Our brave girl 

As you can see Leo made himself at home

They even gave him bubbles.
We are hoping to get results by the end of the week and I am praying that there is nothing wrong with our Lily and that she is just taking her time on becoming independent. 

27 Candles for Mike

Happy Birthday to my wonderful hard working Husband and Father of my two children, He makes our lives better and better everyday! 

Friday, February 22, 2013

This week in Instagram

Hanging out with my family and Lily getting into the wine box.

Lazy day of potty training

A friend made cupcakes and Lily devoured them!

Jenkins scared me half to death while I was getting the kids breakfast

dinner one night

Precious nap time

Bath time play

Snow day one!

snowed in

This was a throw back Thursday post...I love this picture of when I was pregnant with Leo

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Snow day

I can't believe how much snow we have got the last couple days, 12 inches so far and it is still coming down. We have gone out several times since it started yesterday morning, I tried to get Leo into the idea of building a snowman but after I dragged him and Lily around the yard in the sleds there was no turning back. I also kept catching Leo scarfing down snow every time I turned around, Lily enjoyed it more than I thought she would BUT the girl would not keep her snow boots on to save her life so don't judge me that she is in the snow with just socks ;) 

"We are ready for our picture now Mama" direct quote from Leo


"You want some?" um no thanks Leo, you can eat the snow. 

Leo was in the love the sleds

The sledding eventually grew on Lily

Snow bunny

June was reminiscing her puppy days in Alaska

Leo did not like his gloves dirty, another reason building a  snowman failed.

June was also scarfing snow.
Thankfully Mike didn't have to dig out to get to work since we are so close and surprisingly the clinic has been busy even with all the snow. Lily is passed out from all the fun and Leo is downstairs playing with trains and watching Tarzan, which now he thinks he can fly if he climbs high enough on a tree, hopefully he forgets that idea before the snow melts.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013



I used this exact photo with a post on Leo when he was Lily's age...seriously biting is such a bad teething habit! Lily will come up behind me (especially when I am doing dishes) and just sink her teeth into my legs! Hopefully she gets the rest of her teeth soon, her teeth are sharp! 

Monday, February 18, 2013

DIY Growth Chart

I made this myself!

Stretch it out!


Acting shy

He warmed up to the idea better at bedtime

Saturday, February 16, 2013

18 Months!

At the doctors Office

18 Month Old Stats
22 lbs 
29 inches long

Lily is growing like a weed! She is still refusing to walk on her own and she doesn't like feeding herself BUT she is very healthy and growing like she should. We just need to start doing some motor skill exercises to get her to start walking on her own. I really can't blame her, if I had an awesome big brother like Leo that did everything for me I wouldn't walk or talk for myself either.

Things Lily LOVES
Keyboards (She can't get enough of all those keys typing away)
She may not have many formed words yet but she can talk! She gets so involved in her own conversations that she is more yelling than talking, She also cracks up at herself which is hilarious! 
Cottage Cheese 
Chasing the cats and watching June run
Her ONE and ONLY bottle
Singing nursery rhymes, her favorite right now are I'm a little teapot and Itsy bitsy spider
Making fishy faces
Being rocked to sleep by Daddy

Things Lily HATES
When Mommy is on her computer (It usually consists of her rolling around on the ground  groaning until I pick her up and type one handed)
The sun in her eyes when we drive 
socks/shoes (they last about a minute on her)
Hairbows (I have to sneak them in while she isn't looking)

Dada, Mama, No No, Dog and I am pretty sure she asks "whats this?" all the time.

As you can see the love list is much longer, our little girl is very easy-going and happy 99% of the time.

This Week in Instagram

We are dog sitting this week

Hello Lent, fish sandwich for lunch! 

Lily still favors only her bottle

Avengers candy! 

 My lunch date on Valentines 

Leo and Lily made Valentines for the clinic this year.

Ready for Mike and  I to celebrate our 10th Valentines together! 

Look what Lily learned to do this week!