Saturday, February 16, 2013

18 Months!

At the doctors Office

18 Month Old Stats
22 lbs 
29 inches long

Lily is growing like a weed! She is still refusing to walk on her own and she doesn't like feeding herself BUT she is very healthy and growing like she should. We just need to start doing some motor skill exercises to get her to start walking on her own. I really can't blame her, if I had an awesome big brother like Leo that did everything for me I wouldn't walk or talk for myself either.

Things Lily LOVES
Keyboards (She can't get enough of all those keys typing away)
She may not have many formed words yet but she can talk! She gets so involved in her own conversations that she is more yelling than talking, She also cracks up at herself which is hilarious! 
Cottage Cheese 
Chasing the cats and watching June run
Her ONE and ONLY bottle
Singing nursery rhymes, her favorite right now are I'm a little teapot and Itsy bitsy spider
Making fishy faces
Being rocked to sleep by Daddy

Things Lily HATES
When Mommy is on her computer (It usually consists of her rolling around on the ground  groaning until I pick her up and type one handed)
The sun in her eyes when we drive 
socks/shoes (they last about a minute on her)
Hairbows (I have to sneak them in while she isn't looking)

Dada, Mama, No No, Dog and I am pretty sure she asks "whats this?" all the time.

As you can see the love list is much longer, our little girl is very easy-going and happy 99% of the time.

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