Thursday, September 12, 2013

Cute phases

My kids are in super cute phases right now that or I am just really emotional because everything they do right now I just want to squeeze them. If I could walk around with Leo recording all the things he says, believe me I would, he kills me sometimes with what comes out of his mouth.

Water spills on him from his drink "I'm melting, MOM!! I AM MELTING"

I started telling him a bedtime story the other night about Goldie locks and he interrupts me very bluntly "no no mom that is not a good story! Tell me about Leo being a that is a good story!"

Not sure if I wrote this before but he has had several dreams where he is a train and he insists that the freight cars come out of his butt.

Me: Leo you can't climb in the freezer
Leo: How 'bout I use a stool, is that a good idea? 

He uses that "is that a good idea" to make his bad behavior look good. TOO SMART

We have been very busy lately and he has been spending more time with Grandma or even with Mike and whenever I come back even if it was for only 30 minutes he always has to give me a gripping hug and a long speech about "how he was so worried about me"

Lily has been talking, walking and changing very fast. We started her occupational therapy and it has made a HUGE difference, I really think she will be up to all the other 2 year olds by Christmas.

When she does walk across the room she gets so proud and started clapping "yey" before she is even done.

Her words right now are UP, DAD, OOPS, YUM, BEBE and of course "awe-ee" for Holly (Leo did the same thing)

She dances with her head and hands like a crazy fool so I can't imagine how she will dance when she is actually walking/running around.

Blurry but Leo is priceless

One of his favorite things to do right now is look at my pictures on my phone


So he thinks he can jump inside books and be part of the story...and yes he is naked.

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