Her physical therapy helped her catch up with other kids her age motor-skill wise and once we started the therapy it really was like a domino effect and everything started to fall in place. She keeps up busy for sure.
She still loves to do her rocking but she understands when we tell her "up" to move on to something else...during bedtime is what is hard to get to stop. Hopefully with age that will change.
We also started speech therapy with her and she has a dozen so words that we understand and a gazillion Lily language words. We are still working on saying words instead of grunting and pointing when she really wants to something but that will come in time ( I hope)
Holly/Mama= "olly" "MAma"
Daddy= "Dad-dee"
bubble guppies="bubby gup"
*When she gets something she really wants (juice, toy etc..) she grabs it really fast yelling "happy happy happy"
She can also say Hooray, yey, hi, up, it changes everyday!
Goldfish before the Doctor came in. |
27lbs and climbing everything |
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