Tuesday, April 16, 2013



Well we have moved up to the big potty but with that for some reason he has reverted with his training so I think I am going to have to start giving treats when he uses the bathroom, we have been having a lot of accidents this week! Boys are stubborn.

Lily is her usual chatter box self, some days I can't even talk to Mike because I feel like I am yelling over her chatter. I can't wait until she has formed words so that we know what all she is telling us.

One day I was vacuuming and Leo felt as if his territory was being
threatening so he lined up a toy barrier and started waving his flag.
Time always seems to get away from me but I should share a few of my favorite things right now

  • The kids always wake up by 8am but I love that they are in no rush to get out of bed, they will cuddle with me after Mike leaves for work and giggle at each other while Leo shouts over and over "Good Morning Lillian!"
  • Lily literally has Mike wrapped around her finger, You've heard of the bond between a Daddy and his little girl, well I think Lily could get away with anything with him...that could be dangerous in the future!
  • Leo is in a very caring stage right now. Our new niece Brooke is two months old and Leo always wants to hold her, sing to her and shh! her when she cries. 
  • My cousin Mariah asked me to be her confirmation sponsor this past month (tonight is the ceremony) and I was so honored she thought of me to help her with her journey towards Christ. 
  • Leo loves to help me cook! Eggs are his favorite to cook (not necessarily to eat) and he has become very good at cleaning up after himself, so that makes my life a little bit easier!
I think Leo might want a brother...I caught him putting his old Thomas tennis shoes on Lily and his spiderman mask, let us say that she wanted nothing to do with that!

Lastly for now I forgot about Leo's 3 years stats!
We went to the doctor 4/1/13

Weight: 34 lbs
Height: 37inches

He had to bring Bubble Puppy to the office, which made him so happy! He also had to show off his exercise and climbing abilities!

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